Everyday Low Price intro

With a supply-demand strategy in place and a commitment to providing customers with a cost-effective and convenient shopping experience, Tiki introduces the “Everyday Low Price” program with the mission to bring three parties together: Tiki, Brands/Sellers, and Customers.

Through this innovative program, brands and sellers gain access to Tiki’s wide-reaching customer base, allowing them to grow and sustain their businesses without relying solely on seasonal campaigns. Combined with Tiki’s programs such as Unlimited Free Shipping and the Shop to Earn program, Everyday Low Price is set to become a key driver of Tiki’s appeal to customers in the near future.

Everyday Low Price (Rẻ Mỗi Ngày – Không Chỉ Một Ngày) – A program with the mission to provide consumers, particularly households, with the best quality and pricing options through a wide range of products provided daily by Tiki, sellers, and various brands. 

Scope of application:

  • Customers: The program applies to all customers on Tiki Marketplace. Customers only need to have an account on Tiki to buy Everyday Low Price products without any additional conditions.

  • Sellers: All sellers can register their products to join the Everyday Low Price program when their products meet specific criteria of the program (specified in each campaign).

  • Products joining the program will have the opportunity to be displayed in prime locations on Tiki’s website and app, including but not limited to the homepage, the main Everyday Low Price landing page, campaign landing pages by category, search results, etc., and are prioritized according to Tiki’s programmed logic.

  • Sellers who participate in the program will have the opportunity to increase up to 3 times in visibility, 2 times in the number of visits to their store, and also have the chance to double their revenues compared to business performance before registering for the campaign. 

Everyday Low Price campaigns will be held regularly every month and campaign information will be updated on the Seller Center at Marketing Center > Promotion tools > Tiki campaigns. Please login to the Seller Center regularly to check out for new campaign information.

Everyday Low Price campaigns will be displayed as Category Deals on Seller Center and have the same features. Seller registers to participate in the program similar to registering to participate in regular Category deals, see instructions here.


  • At a time, 01 product can only participate in a maximum 01 Category deal program (including the Everyday Low Price program).

  • When a product participates in more than one promotion with partially or completely overlapping running times, the system will use priority to determine which promotion is applicable at any time, allowing the seller’s promotions to run continuously. When a campaign’s runtime expires, the system will continue to trigger the next lower-priority campaign. The order of precedence for promotions is as follows:

1. Flash sale – Top priority

2. Category deal (including Everyday Low Price program)– Second priority

3. Price discount – Third priority

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