1. Order confirmation timeline
Seller is responsible for confirming the order within 04 working hours (8am – 5pm from Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
2. Confirm order
Step 1: Go to the Seller Center > Order > Forwarding orders
Step 2: To confirm the order, go to the Awaiting Confirmation tab, where you will see all the orders that are awaiting confirmation.
Please keep in mind that you can either confirm each order separately or multiple orders at once.
a) Single order confirmation
Click the arrow to the left of the order code to view the order detail information. At this point, the system will automatically set all products as In stock, but please double-check your stock and select the correct status before clicking Confirm.
A pop up from the system will appear after you select Confirm, please select Yes for the order to be in Processing status.
b) Mass order confirmation
Please first check the box to the left to select all orders. At this point, please double-check your stock and select the correct status before clicking Confirm all.
The system will let you check the stock status again, when you have done checking please select Confirm selected orders > Yes. Once done, please print the shipping label and attach it to the outside of the package.
1. Print label
Step 1: At the Processing tab, select the order to print or select multiple orders at the same time, then click on Print.
Step 2: At the Print receipt and order stamp window, select the suitable print size and click on Print.
Step 3: At Printer settings, if you want to print multiple receipts or stamps on 1 sheet of paper, please follow these steps:
Case 1: Print 2 or 4 pages on 1 sheet of an A4 paper |
Case 2: Print 2 pages on 1 sheet of an A5 paper |
Then click on Print. |
Then click Print. |
![]() |
![]() |
In case of an error while printing labels, please try again in a few minutes.
Use a good printer and black ink color
Tiki recommends not to print Header & Footer. You can scale (e.g. 90%) to fit the template into the paper sheet if necessary.
Set your browser zoom to 100% to avoid any error.
2. Packing
Suggested packing solution
1. Handover goods timeline
Make sure to transfer packages to the 3PLS Oversea Warehouse within 3 working days since the order was created. You can track the order status via the Seller Center after handling goods to our shipping partners as it is updated automatically by API on Tiki’s system.
Before delivering your shipments to 3PLS Oversea Warehouse, please send email to 3PLS and cc Tiki PIC the list of order code with title Seller name – Tiki – Date – Your tracking code/package code (if any).
Please ensure that the goods are sent to 3PLS successfully and the order is updated to the next status.
Please also save related documents or images to prove that Seller successfully transfers goods to 3PLS in case of claim.
2. Committed lead time with customer
The committed lead time for each market is as follows, please follow up closely with 3PLS to make sure orders are delivered to customers within the lead time.
China market: 5-12 days since the order was created.
Taiwan market: 10-14 days since the order was created.
Korea market and Others: 10-14 days since the order was created.
3. Tracking order status
Orders that have been confirmed successfully will be moved to the Processing tab.
Orders that have been departed from 3PLS Oversea Warehouse will be moved to the Shipping tab.
Orders that have been delivered to customers successfully will be moved to the Delivered tab.
In order to automate the order operating management as well as ensure customer experience when shopping at Tiki, please keep in mind the automatic cancellation rule as follows:
Automatic cancellation if goods are out of stock or the seller rejects to ship out;
Automatic cancellation if it was over 24 hours since the deadline for confirmation (excluding Saturday, Sunday, holidays) and the seller has not confirmed the order yet;
Automatic cancellation if before the promised delivery date 1 day, orders are still at Awaiting confirmation status.
In case you need any further information, please contact via email: parnersupport@tiki.vn or hotrodoitac@tiki.vn for support.
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Đánh giá trung bình: 3.7 / 5. Số lượt đánh giá: 3
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Địa chỉ văn phòng: 52 Út Tịch, Phường 4, Quận Tân Bình, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Giấy chứng nhận Đăng ký Kinh doanh số 0309532909 do Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh cấp ngày 06/01/2010
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