Brand registry requirements

When doing business on Tiki Marketplace, sellers need to meet the brand registry requirements for the product. Sellers will take appropriate actions when listing products based on each brand and its current status. 

1. Classification of trademarks based on protected status

Brand classification


Notes for product listing

Trademark is protected by Vietnam

Is a registered trademark and protected by the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam:

Website of the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam

Website: Wipo VN

To be presented as a protected trademark in the product’s name/content, the seller must ensure that they have the right to distribute/own the trademark.

Globally protected trademark

Is a registered trademark and protected by WIPO:

Website: Wipo

Tiki does not have any restrictions for this type of brand. However, the Seller takes the risk that other Sellers selling the same brand but the origin/quality may not be similar.

Unprotected trademark

Non Branded

Trademark registered but not protected or was refused to be protected


2. Regulations on product content for each type of brand

2.1 For protected trademarks

  • The Seller needs to select the brand information in the Trademark field that matches the brand printed on the product and has been registered at the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam.

Trademark attributes on product listing feature

Examples of trademarks registered at the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam

  • The brand of the product must match the image/content and other attributes of the product.

2.2 For unregistered/unregistered trademarks

For products with unregistered trademarks, in the Trademark field, please choose OEM.

  • Common refusal reasons:
    • The brand name written in the product name/description does not match the brand of the product.
    • The product image has a brand that does not match the actual brand of the product
    • The trademark is not registered, please edit to OEM.

2.3 Brand chain

  • For a chain of brands belonging to the same group, please choose the correct brand registered with that product line.

Example: Vaseline brand belongs to Unilever group. When posting products, please choose the brand: Vaseline (matches the trademark printed on the product that has been registered for protection) but not Unilever.

2. Rejecting cases

Rejecting cases


Case 1: The Seller chooses the OEM brand in the Trademark field when listing the product, but the product image contains a registered trademark image.

Product is an OEM brand, but the product image contains the MISUKO brand logo (registered for protection at Wipo). The product will be rejected for approval because the product image has a brand that does not match the brand that the product is listed for sale.

Case 2: Seller chooses an unprotected brand in the product’s Trademark field, but the product image contains a trademark logo from another registered brand.

The product is branded VHL (unprotected), but the product image contains the Adidas brand logo (protected). The product will be rejected for approval because the image of the product posted for sale has a brand that does not match the brand that the product is posted for sale; and unregistered trademarks.

Case 3: Seller chooses a registered trademark in the product’s Trademark field, but the product image is from another registered trademark.

The product has the Gumac trademark (protected), but the product image contains the Yummy brand logo (protected). The product will be rejected for approval because the image of the product posted for sale has a brand that does not match the brand that the product is posted for sale; and the brand name mentioned in the product name/description does not match the brand of the product.

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